martes, 9 de mayo de 2017
miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017
Can , Could, Be able to
use 'be able to' + infinitive for ability and possibility, especially
when there is no form of 'can': future, present perfect, infinitive,
gerund, etc.

Activity 1: Choose the correct answer.
Activity 2: Click on the words in the correct order.
Activity 3: Choose the correct form of the verbs.
lunes, 24 de abril de 2017
Activity 1. Complete the sentences.

Activity 2. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 3. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 4. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 5: Choose the correct answer.

Activity 2. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 3. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 4. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 5: Choose the correct answer.
martes, 4 de abril de 2017
Comparatives and superlatives
Activity 1. Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative).
Activity 2. Put in the adjective from the first sentences into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative).
Activity 3. Use either as ... as or not as ... as in the sentences.
Activity 4. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 5. Type the correct answer in the box.
Activity 6. Listen and write the sentences using the comparative.
Activity 7.Listen to the songs with examples of the comparative. Click here to read the extracts of the lyrics.
Activity 2. Put in the adjective from the first sentences into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative).
Activity 3. Use either as ... as or not as ... as in the sentences.
Activity 4. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 5. Type the correct answer in the box.
Activity 6. Listen and write the sentences using the comparative.
Activity 7.Listen to the songs with examples of the comparative. Click here to read the extracts of the lyrics.
Transport in London

Activity 1. Listening activity: choosing transport from Heathrow into town.
Activity 2. Listening activity: at the ticket office.
Activity 3. Listening activity: in the underground station.
Activity 4. Reading activity: comparing travel options.
miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017
jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017
Present perfect simple or continuous?
Activity 1: Complete the gaps with the correct form.
Activity 2: Complete the sentences.
Activity 3: Order the words in the sentences.
viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017
St Patrick's Day
Watch the video and complete the sentences. You can find the answers as a 'comment' to the post:
1. Saint Patrick was not Irish, he was ___________________________.
2. He was _________ years old when he was kidnapped and spent ___________ years in captivity.
3. According to one myth, he drove all the ______________ out of Ireland, but it's not true.
4. It was said that he used the leaves of the shamrock to explain the Holy _____________.
5. The tradition of celebrating the 17th March with parades started in __________ (place).
6. The first parade in New York dates to __________________.
7. On St. Patrick's Day we all should wear _________________.
miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017
Present perfect simple or simple past?
- When we use the past simple, a specific time in the past is mentioned: 'Did you see the match last night?' or understood between the speakers: 'Did you see the match?' (We both know it was last night...). So, a question beginning with 'When...?' will normally be in the past simple.
- We use present perfect for a past action where no specific time is mentioned or understood: 'I've been to Paris twice', or when there is a connection with the present: 'I've worked here for two years' (I'm still working here).
Activity 2: Click on the words in the correct order.
Activity 3: Complete the sentences with the correct tense.
Activity 4: For and since.
Activity 5: For and since.
Activity 6: Listen and write the verbs in the correct tense.
Activity 7: Yet, just, already.
Activity 8: Yet, just, already.
martes, 7 de febrero de 2017
Important people
Listen to the speakers talking about important people in
their lives and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.
miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017
Future forms
- We use going to for things we have already decided to do, it's our plan or intention:
'I'm going to study Law at university next year'
'It's late! You're going to miss the train.'
- We use present continuous for future arrangements when a time / place has been agreed (most of the times 'going to' is also possible). However, with the verbs 'go', 'leave', 'come', 'meet', 'have', we tend to use the present continuous.
'I'm having dinner with my colleagues tomorrow night'
- We use 'will', 'won´t' for instant decisions at the moment of speaking, offers, promises and predictions:
'I'll buy the blue sweater' (in a shop) INSTANT DECISION
'There's no milk left. I'll go and buy some' / Shall I buy some milk? OFFERS
'I'm sorry. I won't do it again' PROMISES
'I think families will be smaller in the future' *PREDICTIONS
*For predictions, will / won't and going to can both be used. However, when you can see that something is about to happen it is more common to use going to: 'He's going to crash' (I can see him going towards a tree)
Activity 1: Click on the words in the correct order.
Activity 2: Choose the correct answer.
Activity 3: Future plans. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 4: Will or going to?
Activity 5: Will or going to?
miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017
Present simple or continuous?
- Use the present simple for things that are always true or happen regularly:
'I never go to bed before midnight'
- Use the present continuous for actions in progress at the time of speaking (a) or for future arrangements (b):
a) She's having a bath at the moment.
b) We're moving to Barcelona next month.
Click here for an explanation on how to pronounce final 's'.
Activity 1. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 2. Click on the words in the correct order.
Activity 3. Put the verbs in the correct tense.
Activity 4. Spelling and grammar.
sábado, 21 de enero de 2017
British food and meals
Watch the video. Are meal times the same or different from the ones in Spain?
martes, 17 de enero de 2017
Ruby Bridge's story

1. She was 6 years old in _____________
2. She only understood that something new was going to happen, what? ______________
3. When did she start to realize? ____________________
4. What helped her to realize? __________________
5. What lesson did she learn from her own experience? ______________
6. Who helped her learn that lesson?____________________
7. Who died trying to teach that lesson? ___________________________
7. Who died trying to teach that lesson? ___________________________
Find the answers to the questions in 'comments'
sábado, 14 de enero de 2017
Reported Speech
We use reported speech
when we want to tell someone what someone said. We use a reporting verb
(say, tell, ask...) and then change the tense of what was actually said
in direct speech.
Activity 1. Click here to watch the video and do the activities.
Activity 2. Choose the correct answer.
Activity 3. Click on the words in the right order.
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Tired or tiring?
Activity 1: Choose the correct adjective. Activity 2 : Choose the correct adjective.

Activity 1 . Listen to six descriptions and identify the sports. Activity 2 . Listen to some people talking about their favourite sport...
Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of January . It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther...
We use Second Conditional sentences to talk about an improbable/impossible or hypothetical future situation and its consequence. Clic...