sábado, 29 de octubre de 2016

31st October It's Halloween!

Watch the video and answer the questions: (the answers are in 'comments')

1. Who were the first people to celebrate Halloween? 
a) the Celts b) the Vikings c) the Romans

 2. Why did pagans used to gather and light fires at Halloween? 
a) to keep warm   b) to drive spirits back to the underworld   c) to see where they were going in the dark 

3. When did Halloween begin to merge with Catholic festivals?
a) int the twelfth century   b) in the seventh century   c) in the nineteenth century

4. When is All Saints Day celebrated?
a) 31st October   b) 2nd November   c) 1st November

5. What was All Saints Day originally called?
a) Alloween   b) Hallowmas   c) All Hallows Eve

6. Which group of people introduced the holiday to the United States?
a) Mexicans   b) Irish people   c) Italians

7. What is the custom of playing pranks at Halloween called?
a) trick or trash   b) treat or trick   c) trick or treat

Source: http://www.esolcourses.com

1 comentario:

Tired or tiring?

Activity 1: Choose the correct adjective. Activity 2 : Choose the correct adjective.